
Showing posts from November, 2017

Accepting Change

For so long I let a person I believed so much in, chip away at who I am. They took from me things that I will never ever be able to be replace. Those pieces were destroyed and there is no way to resurrect them. Damaged beyond repair is the only way I can describe my loss. I never wanted anything more than to get those pieces back and I was overly optimistic about those shards of my old life being the key to healing. It's taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that what is left is not enough for me to build anything from, let alone take pride in. I've had to learn hard and fast that clutching on to these tiny remaining fragments was going to result in nothing but a deep feeling of grief. It isn't and will never be good for me. Letting go of them is hard but it had to be done. When my children told me that he said he missed me... I wasn't relieved, proud or happy, in fact I was angry. How could it be that someone has so little insight into the trail of de